Custom Order Form


Moomba Wetsuits can make your wetsuit exactly as you would like it! Have a look at the range of choices available in our catalogues, then write your measurements and the style name and number into the message form at the bottom of the page and we will get back to you with a quote.

NOTE: Accurate measurements means an accurate fit, make sure you have measured correctly and not over bulky clothing. Please refer to the guidelines below for how to measure.

Measuring Up

It's important to get it right! Please read the guidelines below...

  • measure ALL POINTS listed, no matter what style of suit is being ordered

  • take measurements with the tape held firmly around the body - DO NOT take measurements over bulky clothing!

  • make sure all measurements are taken with the tape measure going straight around the body—not on any angle

  • height, weight and crotch to ankle measurements are always essential measurements that need to be accurate.

 Image reference below:

Moomba Custom Image reference.jpg

#1 Head
This measurement is really only required for dive suits which include a hood

#2 Neck
This point should be measured at the upper edge of where a collar would sit

#3 Chest
This is measured under the armpits—straight around the fullest part of the upper body

#4 Waist
Taken around the centre of the body

#5 Seat
Taken around the fullest part of the buttocks

#6 Thigh
Measured around the very upper part of the leg at the crotch point

#7 Knee
Taken around the centre of the actual knee cap

#8 Calf
Taken around the fullest muscular part of the lower leg

#9 Ankle
This is measured at the ankle point exactly where a full length leg would finish

#10 Bicep
On the very upper arm at the fullest muscular part of the arm

#11 Elbow
Taken just above the bend of the elbow, just below the point where a short sleeve would finish

#12 Forearm
Taken on the lower half of the arm around the fullest part

#13 Wrist
Measured at the very point where a long sleeve would finish

#14 Underarm
This is measured to follow an underarm seam. Measure under the arm, holding the arm straight out to one side at a right angle to the body. Measure exactly from the armpit to the waist at the point where a long sleeve would finish

#15 Collarbone-Crotch
Placing a ruler between the very upper thighs at the crotch point—measure from the sternum (centre front part of the body which sits between the two collar bones—the hollow point), straight down the centre of the body to the top of the ruler. (make sure the ruler is horizontal, not on any angle)

#16 Crotch-Ankle
From the ruler between the thighs at the crotch point, straight down the leg to the very ankle bone level of where a full length leg would finish.

#17 Crotch-A- Knee
From the ruler again, straight down the leg to the exact point of the top of the kneecap


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